Class Index<T>

Type Parameters

  • T extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, any>




addDocuments addDocumentsFromString addDocumentsInBatches delete deleteAllDocuments deleteDocument deleteDocuments fetchInfo fetchPrimaryKey getDictionary getDisplayedAttributes getDistinctAttribute getDocument getDocuments getEmbedders getFaceting getFilterableAttributes getLocalizedAttributes getNonSeparatorTokens getPagination getProximityPrecision getRankingRules getRawInfo getSearchCutoffMs getSearchableAttributes getSeparatorTokens getSettings getSortableAttributes getStats getStopWords getSynonyms getTask getTasks getTypoTolerance resetDictionary resetDisplayedAttributes resetDistinctAttribute resetEmbedders resetFaceting resetFilterableAttributes resetLocalizedAttributes resetNonSeparatorTokens resetPagination resetProximityPrecision resetRankingRules resetSearchCutoffMs resetSearchableAttributes resetSeparatorTokens resetSettings resetSortableAttributes resetStopWords resetSynonyms resetTypoTolerance search searchForFacetValues searchGet searchSimilarDocuments update updateDictionary updateDisplayedAttributes updateDistinctAttribute updateDocuments updateDocumentsByFunction updateDocumentsFromString updateDocumentsInBatches updateEmbedders updateFaceting updateFilterableAttributes updateLocalizedAttributes updateNonSeparatorTokens updatePagination updateProximityPrecision updateRankingRules updateSearchCutoffMs updateSearchableAttributes updateSeparatorTokens updateSettings updateSortableAttributes updateStopWords updateSynonyms updateTypoTolerance waitForTask waitForTasks create


  • Type Parameters

    • T extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, any>


    • config: Config

      Request configuration options

    • uid: string

      UID of the index

    • Optional primaryKey: string

      Primary Key of the index

    Returns Index<T>


createdAt: undefined | Date
httpRequest: HttpRequests
primaryKey: undefined | string
tasks: TaskClient
uid: string
updatedAt: undefined | Date


  • Add or replace multiples documents to an index


    • documents: T[]

      Array of Document objects to add/replace

    • Optional options: DocumentOptions

      Options on document addition

    Returns Promise<EnqueuedTask>

    Promise containing an EnqueuedTask

  • Add or replace multiples documents in a string format to an index. It only supports csv, ndjson and json formats.


    • documents: string

      Documents provided in a string to add/replace

    • contentType: ContentType

      Content type of your document: 'text/csv'|'application/x-ndjson'|'application/json'

    • Optional queryParams: RawDocumentAdditionOptions

    Returns Promise<EnqueuedTask>

    Promise containing an EnqueuedTask

  • Add or replace multiples documents to an index in batches


    • documents: T[]

      Array of Document objects to add/replace

    • batchSize: number = 1000

      Size of the batch

    • Optional options: DocumentOptions

      Options on document addition

    Returns Promise<EnqueuedTask[]>

    Promise containing array of enqueued task objects for each batch

  • Delete one document


    • documentId: string | number

      Id of Document to delete

    Returns Promise<EnqueuedTask>

    Promise containing an EnqueuedTask

  • Delete multiples documents of an index.


    • params: DocumentsDeletionQuery | DocumentsIds

      Params value can be:

      • DocumentsDeletionQuery: An object containing the parameters to customize your document deletion. Only available in Meilisearch v1.2 and newer
      • DocumentsIds: An array of document ids to delete

    Returns Promise<EnqueuedTask>

    Promise containing an EnqueuedTask

  • Fetch and update Index information.

    Returns Promise<Index<T>>

    Promise to the current Index object with updated information

  • Get Primary Key.

    Returns Promise<undefined | string>

    Promise containing the Primary Key of the index

  • Get the dictionary settings of a Meilisearch index.

    Returns Promise<string[]>

    Promise containing the dictionary settings

  • Get the displayed-attributes

    Returns Promise<string[]>

    Promise containing array of displayed-attributes

  • Get the distinct-attribute

    Returns Promise<null | string>

    Promise containing the distinct-attribute of the index

  • Get one document

    Type Parameters

    • D extends Record<string, any> = T


    • documentId: string | number

      Document ID

    • Optional parameters: DocumentQuery<T>

      Parameters applied on a document

    Returns Promise<D>

    Promise containing Document response

  • Get documents of an index.

    Type Parameters

    • D extends Record<string, any> = T


    • parameters: DocumentsQuery<D> = {}

      Parameters to browse the documents. Parameters can contain the filter field only available in Meilisearch v1.2 and newer

    Returns Promise<ResourceResults<D[]>>

    Promise containing the returned documents

  • Get the filterable-attributes

    Returns Promise<string[]>

    Promise containing an array of filterable-attributes

  • Get the list of all non-separator tokens.

    Returns Promise<string[]>

    Promise containing array of non-separator tokens

  • Get the list of all ranking-rules

    Returns Promise<string[]>

    Promise containing array of ranking-rules

  • Get the searchable-attributes

    Returns Promise<string[]>

    Promise containing array of searchable-attributes

  • Get the list of all separator tokens.

    Returns Promise<string[]>

    Promise containing array of separator tokens

  • Get the sortable-attributes

    Returns Promise<string[]>

    Promise containing array of sortable-attributes

  • Get the list of all stop-words

    Returns Promise<string[]>

    Promise containing array of stop-words

  • Get the list of all synonyms

    Returns Promise<object>

    Promise containing object of synonym mappings

  • Get one task of the index.


    • taskUid: number

      Task identifier

    Returns Promise<Task>

    Promise containing a task

  • Search for documents into an index

    Type Parameters


    • Optional query: null | string

      Query string

    • Optional options: S

      Search options

    • Optional config: Partial<Request>

      Additional request configuration options

    Returns Promise<SearchResponse<D, S>>

    Promise containing the search response

  • Search for documents into an index using the GET method

    Type Parameters


    • Optional query: null | string

      Query string

    • Optional options: S

      Search options

    • Optional config: Partial<Request>

      Additional request configuration options

    Returns Promise<SearchResponse<D, S>>

    Promise containing the search response

  • Update the dictionary settings. Overwrite the old settings.


    • dictionary: Dictionary

      Array that contains the new dictionary settings.

    Returns Promise<EnqueuedTask>

    Promise containing an EnqueuedTask or null

  • Update the displayed-attributes.


    • displayedAttributes: DisplayedAttributes

      Array of strings that contains attributes of an index to display

    Returns Promise<EnqueuedTask>

    Promise containing an EnqueuedTask

  • Add or update multiples documents to an index


    • documents: Partial<T>[]

      Array of Document objects to add/update

    • Optional options: DocumentOptions

      Options on document update

    Returns Promise<EnqueuedTask>

    Promise containing an EnqueuedTask

  • Add or update multiples documents in a string format to an index. It only supports csv, ndjson and json formats.


    • documents: string

      Documents provided in a string to add/update

    • contentType: ContentType

      Content type of your document: 'text/csv'|'application/x-ndjson'|'application/json'

    • Optional queryParams: RawDocumentAdditionOptions

      Options on raw document addition

    Returns Promise<EnqueuedTask>

    Promise containing an EnqueuedTask

  • Add or update multiples documents to an index in batches


    • documents: Partial<T>[]

      Array of Document objects to add/update

    • batchSize: number = 1000

      Size of the batch

    • Optional options: DocumentOptions

      Options on document update

    Returns Promise<EnqueuedTask[]>

    Promise containing array of enqueued task objects for each batch

  • Update the embedders settings. Overwrite the old settings.


    • embedders: Embedders

      Object that contains the new embedders settings.

    Returns Promise<EnqueuedTask>

    Promise containing an EnqueuedTask or null

  • Update the filterable-attributes.


    • filterableAttributes: FilterableAttributes

      Array of strings containing the attributes that can be used as filters at query time

    Returns Promise<EnqueuedTask>

    Promise containing an EnqueuedTask

  • Update the list of non-separator tokens. Overwrite the old list.


    Returns Promise<EnqueuedTask>

    Promise containing an EnqueuedTask or null

  • Update the proximity precision settings. Overwrite the old settings.


    • proximityPrecision: ProximityPrecision

      String that contains the new proximity precision settings.

    Returns Promise<EnqueuedTask>

    Promise containing an EnqueuedTask or null

  • Update the list of ranking-rules. Overwrite the old list.


    • rankingRules: RankingRules

      Array that contain ranking rules sorted by order of importance.

    Returns Promise<EnqueuedTask>

    Promise containing an EnqueuedTask

  • Update the searchable-attributes.


    • searchableAttributes: SearchableAttributes

      Array of strings that contains searchable attributes sorted by order of importance(most to least important)

    Returns Promise<EnqueuedTask>

    Promise containing an EnqueuedTask

  • Update the list of separator tokens. Overwrite the old list.


    Returns Promise<EnqueuedTask>

    Promise containing an EnqueuedTask or null

  • Update all settings Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged.


    • settings: Settings

      Object containing parameters with their updated values

    Returns Promise<EnqueuedTask>

    Promise containing an EnqueuedTask

  • Update the sortable-attributes.


    • sortableAttributes: SortableAttributes

      Array of strings containing the attributes that can be used to sort search results at query time

    Returns Promise<EnqueuedTask>

    Promise containing an EnqueuedTask

  • Update the list of stop-words. Overwrite the old list.


    • stopWords: StopWords

      Array of strings that contains the stop-words.

    Returns Promise<EnqueuedTask>

    Promise containing an EnqueuedTask

  • Update the list of synonyms. Overwrite the old list.


    • synonyms: Synonyms

      Mapping of synonyms with their associated words

    Returns Promise<EnqueuedTask>

    Promise containing an EnqueuedTask

  • Update the typo tolerance settings.


    • typoTolerance: TypoTolerance

      Object containing the custom typo tolerance settings.

    Returns Promise<EnqueuedTask>

    Promise containing object of the enqueued update

  • Wait for a task to be processed.


    • taskUid: number

      Task identifier

    • waitOptions: WaitOptions = {}

      Options on timeout and interval

    Returns Promise<Task>

    Promise containing an array of tasks

  • Wait for multiple tasks to be processed.


    • taskUids: number[]

      Tasks identifier

    • waitOptions: WaitOptions = {}

      Options on timeout and interval

    Returns Promise<Task[]>

    Promise containing an array of tasks